If you’re awaiting the impending arrival of a little one or are already in the throws of sleepless nights and dirty nappies then we’re sure that at some point when you were searching for newborn essentials that a baby bath was one of the items on the list. Over the years it has become ingrained in generation to generation that a baby bath is an obvious item for your newborn at bath time, right?
But what if we told you that you didn’t even need to bother with a baby bath?
Let’s take a look at the facts. The lifespan of a traditional baby bath can be anywhere between 6-10 months depending on babies confidence and development. Regardless to the fact that they become redundant after a very short period of time, what do you do with it afterwards? Most baby baths take up a LOT of room, they’re often heavy and a hindrance to fill up and empty when you’ve just given birth and have a bad back. Whether you choose to keep the baby bath for a future child, bin it or pass it on, with over 735,000 babies born in the UK every year, that could be a lot of useless plastic lying around after not being used for very long.
So, what if we told you that you didn’t need to buy a baby bath, but you could instead have something that would grow with baby up until the age of 4? Now we’re talking!
BabyDam is the ONLY baby bath that will grow with your baby from the start and there is a misconception that it can only be used when they transition from a baby bath to a family bath. One thing that we hear from our customers so much is ‘I wish I knew about this before I bought a baby bath’.
The uniqueness of BabyDam is that is can be positioned anywhere in the bath and you can section off whatever area of the bath you need to baby size the bath to suit their needs as they grow.
When baby is very little baths are often very short anyway, 5-10 minutes is enough for a newborn as their skin is very sensitive and they get cold easily. For a newborn or young baby simply section off a smaller area with the BabyDam and fill to the minimum mark on the BabyDam which is marked just below the safety porthole. You can use it in conjunction with a baby cradle which might be more comfortable for you and baby or you can support them with both hands in the bath. The parent can either lean over the bath, or get into the dry side of the bath which will save your back and will help to make baby feel that bit more secure.
During this newborn stage you only need to gently wash baby, they’re not at that inquisitive playing stage and you want to make bath time as comfortable, enjoyable and quick as possible for them, and for you.
BabyDam allows you to create that secure area for you and baby, then as their size increases simply position the BabyDam further back giving them more room for fun and enjoyment. You can use BabyDam with your child up to whatever age suits your child, we even have customers who use it up to the age of 7 +.
Many parents also find that by using a BabyDam from the outset it becomes synonymous with baby, helping them to feel secure in their own cosy area as they grow and the size of the bath can increase with them.
Needless to say, not only from a practical point of view, with every bath time you’ll help to save the planet with the amount of water you save. For a greener future, we all need to work together to make it happen by making small changes that make a big impact, every drop really does count.
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