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Find Your Nearest Stockist

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If you’re a frequent visitor to the BabyDam website then you may have noticed there’s been a few changes around here with a full redesign and we hope you love it as much as we do! We’ve put more focus on our products with beautiful imagery and made the functionality of buying and finding information about our products as easy as possible. Whether you’ve come across BabyDam for the first time on your laptop at home or wanting to place an order when you’re on your lunch break at work, our fully responsive website allows you to do that with ease.

Along with a brand new website, we’ve also launched a new stockists functionality so wherever you are in the world you can quickly locate and find where our BabyDam products are stocked. We think this new addition to our site helps to put the spotlight on some of the amazing small boutiques and retailers that BabyDam has the pleasure of being stocked in.

The stockists page has been designed with the user in mind and is totally customer friendly so you can find your nearest stockist in just a few clicks.

Simply enter your location and search radius to generate your results, you can easily zoom in on the map and click on the relevant retailer that appears which displays full information on the name of the store and address details, you can even click for directions too, how clever is that?!

We are inundated with questions every week about where BabyDam can be purchased from in their respective countries, so we think this is a great addition to our website, customers and retailers across the globe. Helping to make BabyDam as accessible to our customers wherever you are in the world.

Can’t find a stockist near you or need additional help? Then get in touch with us on our Live Chat functionality on the website which will welcome you when you land on the site, or drop us an email at and we’ll be happy to assist you further.

Keep up to date with the latest news from BabyDam over on our Facebook page, Instagram or Twitter!