Wherever you are in the world right now, we just wanted to say we hope you’re all safe and taking care. If you’re based in the UK and in current lockdown with your family, we thought we’d share a few tips on helping your health and wellbeing as a parent during this time.
Not only is it important to keep your little ones occupied and busy, now is the time to not forget about yourself too.
Stay Connected
The current reality for a lot of families across the country is that it may be some time until you can see your close family and friends again. Whilst this can be a challenging time, you can still stay connected with them and it’s important to do so on a daily basis.
Why not inbox a friend on Instagram that you’ve not seen in a while and check in to see how they’re doing? Social Media is proving to be a wonderful place during this uncertain time in order to feel connected and realise you’re not alone. Engage with people on Instagram stories, comment on posts and ask open ended questions on your stories to start a discussion.
We’ve listed below some of the best apps to start a conversation from your sofa:
- Facetime/Messenger video call/WhatsApp Video
- Zoom
- HouseParty – face to face social network
Limit Social Media & News Time
It can be tempting to stick the News on the TV all day and let it roll, as is continuously scrolling Twitter throughout the day, but it’s not going to give you the feel good vibes and positivity that we all so desperately need right now. Uninstall the apps, download an app to limit your usage between certain hours and try to only tune into the news once or twice a day so you know the top headlines. Use the extra time gained for activities with your little one, reading, relaxing or other tasks.
Have Alone Time
It can be difficult to get your own personal space when you can only get out of the house once a day for exercise and fresh air so DO make sure you’re getting space to yourself at the end of the day to really relax. As you’re spending the majority of time at home all day it can be hard to differentiate between working and resting time. Devote an hour each night to watching something that is your favourite, having a pamper hour, reading and switching your phone off for an hour before bed.
Recreate Date Night At Home
Bring the date night to home! Once the children are in bed, have a little dinner date, dress up for the occasion, order in a takeaway or take it in turns to make different courses. Despite what is going on in the world it’s important to try and keep the connection and love with your partner strong.
DO make the most of being able to get outside for exercise each day unless you’re not well. The fresh air, vitamin D and exercise will get the blood pumping, release those feel good endorphins and will make that pack of biscuits at the end of the day worth it!
If you’ve got a garden get outside for at home workouts, join in to the body coaches PE lessons at 9am everyday with your children or find an online yoga class to restore the calm and peace into your life. Exercise will keep you both physically and mentally fit.
We’ve also shared a funny little graphic on our Instagram stories today, a bingo game that doesn’t involve leaving the house! Save the photo down, upload to your Instagram stories and circle the things that you’ve already done during lockdown with your little ones, don’t forget to tag us, we’d love to see what you’ve been up to!
Our website is still operating as usual, meaning that you can still order online, all deliveries are sent via Royal Mail & we are still offering 24 hour tracked delivery for only 99p!
We will keep you updated if anything is to change, be safe and take care. We’re all in this together.
Keep up to date with the latest news from BabyDam over on our Facebook page or Twitter!